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chemical peel

We are currently witnessing the rapid passage of time, and with it comes the first signs of aging.

Chemical Peeling is an alternative that treats these expression marks, applying chemical solutions to the skin to improve texture and remove damaged outer layers.

Through this procedure, the individual's natural expression is recovered, ensuring a younger appearance charged with confidence.

As natural aging, excessive sun exposure and heredity occur, facial lines appear that can cause the impression of tiredness or even sadness.

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Who is it recommended for?

There are factors that can harm the patient during the application of Chemical Peeling, so it is necessary to follow the specifications indicated for the procedure.

You are not a good candidate for Chemical Peeling if you have:

  • Scarred skin history;

  • Abnormal pigmentation;

  • Black or Asian origin;

  • Warts;

  • Red hair and fair skin with freckles;

  • You've had acne treatments for the last year.

Tips on Non-Surgical Treatment

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