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When we talk about plastic surgery, it is immediately possible to imagine that the patient is a woman, but this is not always the case.

Many men suffer from excessive enlargement of the glandular breast tissue, for the correction of such condition there is the Gynecomastia procedure.

This surgery deals with the reduction of excess breasts that can affect men emotionally, sometimes making them avoid situations that require exposing their condition, such as physical activities.

Through gynecomastia, self-confidence and a man's good appearance are reestablished.

Homem com camisa

Who is it recommended for?

Men of different ages can benefit from the Gynecomastia Correction surgery, however teenagers may be more favored with the procedure due to age and factors such as bullying, for example, although secondary surgeries may be necessary due to the continued development of the breast.

Other factors are needed before the patient undergoes surgery, including:

  • Be physically healthy and of relatively normal weight;

  • Have realistic expectations;

  • Non-smokers and non-drug users;

  • Healthy individuals who do not have life-threatening illness or medical conditions that could impair healing;

Tips on Gynecomastia

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